Estimating the Philanthropic Discount Rate
Cross-posted to the Effective Altruism Forum.
- How we should spend our philanthropic resources over time depends on how much we discount the future. A higher discount rate means we should spend more now; a lower discount rate tells us to spend less now and more later.
- We (probably) should not assign less moral value to future beings, but we should still discount the future based on the possibility of extinction, expropriation, value drift, or changes in philanthropic opportunities.
- According to the Ramsey model, if we estimate the discount rate based on those four factors, that tells us how quickly we should consume our resources1.
- We can decrease the discount rate, most notably by reducing existential risk and guarding against value drift. We still have a lot to learn about the best ways to do this.
- According to a simple model, improving our estimate of the discount rate might be the top effective altruist priority.